Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Voice of the GOP?

Is Conservative radio talk show giant Rush Limbaugh the voice of the GOP? After the Presidential Inauguration in January, Limbaugh buffed up his criticism of Obama saying that he hoped Obama would fail in office. Lately, many officials within the Obama White House, with special emphasis on Rahm Emanuel (Obama's Chief of Staff), have leveled attacks at Rush, clearly viewing him as a threat to the Democrats success in Washington. Michael Steele, the current RNC Chairman, went on CNN this past Saturday night calling many of Rush's remarks about Obama "ugly" and "incendiary." As a result of Steele's remarks, Rush goes on to blast Steele on his radio program Monday afternoon, and Steele ends up apologizing to Limbaugh for those orginal remarks. Talk about power. Now, let me insert that all of this criticism has driven Rush Limbaugh's ratings through the roof. This new wave of controversy has kept his faithful close and has allowed millions more, who usually don't listen to his program, to check out his show for the first time. So, there is no question that Rush wields great power, and right now, he probably possesses more power than any other Republican in the nation. Rush has more power than Michael Steele, Bobby Jindal, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, or John McCain could ever hope to come up with. So, to answer the question...yes, Rush Limbaugh is the mouthpiece of the grand ole party...

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