Tuesday, June 16, 2009

America's Slobbering Love Affair: Brett Favre

Like the left-wing media and Barack Obama during the presidential election...the sports world can't get enough of Brett Favre. The latest episode of the soap opera played out on the premiere of "Joe Buck Live" on HBO last night. When asked by Buck if he would come out of retirement to play again, Favre said..."Ummm...maybe." Favre's reply was unsatisfactory to Buck who pressed the three time NFL MVP for a sure answer. One things for certain...if he's coming back...it will be in a Vikings uniform. Minnesota is the only team Favre has spoken to and according to Favre it would be a "perfect fit" considering he knows the Vikings offense, "well enough to teach it." The ol' gunslinger did verify that he recently underwent arthroscopic surgery on his throwing arm and will know in several weeks whether he'll be able to put on the cleats for a 19th NFL season. Favre said he realizes that people are tired of the roller coaster ride of drama ESPN has taken us on these past couple of weeks. "It is what it is," said Favre. So what's the big picture here? Do we take Favre at his word or say enough is enough from Mr. Congeniality? At times during the interview...Favre looked completely honest and real...understanding that his legacy and image were at stake with the viewer at home. However, small smirks also broke out on his face when asked if he would return...leading you to think he actually was enjoying that roller coaster ride spoken of above. Though Favre has appeared to turn his back on the Packers and Jets front office; I don't believe the quarterback ever gave up on his teammates when he was with those organizations. He's one of the greatest competitors to ever play the game...and finding a way to feed that hunger without the game of football is something I believe Favre has struggled with more than other past NFL greats (and I ultimately think that is what keeps him coming back). So the "hatters" take that Favre is stirring the pot as a way to continue to put the spotlight on himself...for selfish reasons...is something I do not think he is into. Favre commented that he rarely sees reports about himself in the media....and I can't picture him sitting at home smiling as SportsCenter reports on the latest dose of Brett Favre news. His foundation has donated over $2 million to charities in Mississippi and Wisconsin. On the other hand, Favre has made many mistakes...going into and coming out of retirement on more than one occasion (mistakes I think he would acknowledge). He hasn't been able to make decisions in a decent timeframe regarding his comeback(s). This has largely led to the demise of strong frienships he's built with the city of Green Bay and the Packers organization from 92-08. Though, we now know ESPN was wrong in reporting there ever was a timeframe between the Vikings and Favre (I think there's a whole lot behind the scenes we don't know). And like so many of us who wake up each morning and feel differently about an issue...Favre wants to ensure that he's doing the right thing with regards to playing in the NFL. He doesn't want to do it half-heartedly or have it make a negative impact on his family. Cut the man some slack...at least enough for him to continue to make the sports world interesting. At any rate...it's great TV! And please...stay tuned for the next episode of "America's Slobbering Love Affair: Brett Favre."

Sunday, June 7, 2009

2012: The Year of Hope for the Party of Lincoln

The countdown on hannity.com says it all...Republicans are ready for change. Just 4 months into office, the American people have seen a lot from the 44th President. The closing of Gitmo, the lift of the ban on stem cell research, a new stimulus bill, car bailouts and failures, a new budget that forces the Government to borrow $0.50 on every $1, new emission standards, a Supreme Court Nominee, speech to the Muslim world, etc. No doubt, even greater socialistic-like policies await. Therefore, Republicans simply can't wait until the 2016 election to put a elephant in the White House. Universal Healthcare (as defined by this administration) will be all but a reality by that point in time. Republicans have to get back to the drawing board in order to solidify support around an individual that can lead the country. Someone who possesses the conservative qualities to appeal to the GOP base, who can still pick up moderate votes along the way. And so...with 1243 days till the 2012 Presidential Election, Yours Truly decided to put on the pundit helmet and throw out possible Republican hopefuls...

Rush Limbaugh...you must be kidding right? The critically acclaimed "Voice of the GOP" has taken a severe stance on the current administration and with nearly 15 million tuning in mon-fri to listen to his banter...he has quite a following. Slim chance the talk show host runs, however...after all Republicans need someone to turn to day in and day out for comfort. Rowe's Rating *

Sarah Palin...how could she not run? A shocking pick by John McCain as his Vice Presidential candidate in 08', the Alaska Govenor shows all the signs of running in 12'. She'll get re-elected in her home state for 10'. She's already gone through the mad criticism machine that is the left-wing media. She appeals to many in middle America. She'll have more years of experience as a govenor by 12'. However, she's not too popular with moderates and even many conservatives in the party do not care for her much. Bottom Line...Republicans are best to pass on Palin for the 12' nomination. She's a patriot...but many will never give her the 2nd shot she deserves. Rowe's Rating...**

Haley Barbour...Govenor of Mississippi. A Southernor who has done an unbelievable job restoring the ravaged coast of his state following Hurrican Katrina. No one will question his ability to handle a crisis. Because of term limits in his state...he can't run for govenor again...a fact that makes it more likely he'll run for President. He's got some baggage that NBC wouldn't have to dig to deep to find, however. Rowe's Rating...**

Bobby Jindal...Governor of Louisiana. For one, he's an Asian running a Southern State. Maybe that helps attract minorities in 12'? After Hurricane Katrina the state of Louisiana looked like the underworld. Homes destroyed, lives lost, cities in rubble...it was a mess. Jindal takes some credit for turning the state around. Not the most charasmatic, however. Rowe's Rating...**

Tim Pawlenty...Govenor of the Minnesota. He was just passed over by McCain for the 08' VP nominee. He can appeal to the broad base. He can win the Great Lake States (exception of Illinois). He's not too well known, however. He'll be a player for the 12' nomination...Rowe's Rating...***

Mark Sanford...Govenor of South Carolina. A Conservative from a Southern State who will not only bring smiles to the faces of Republicans, but to the faces of Libertarians as well. A Reformer, but again...not a lot of name recognition. He could win back some of the states lost in the 08' election however. Rowe's Rating...***

Mike Huckabee...Fmr. Governor of Arkansas, Southern Baptist Minister, and Host of Huckabee on Fox News. I was worried that after the election...Huckabee would fall off the map. The exact opposite has happened...he's weighed in heavily on the political scene keeping his followers and critics close. A man I felt should have grabbed the nomination in 08' is likely to run in 12'. He's got the values and experience to run this grand country. As the people in Iowa found out...he's a very likeable guy...it's just takes time for the magic to wear on. But, will he run (I hope....)?Rowe's Rating...****

Newt Gingrich...Fmr. Speaker of the House, Fox News Contributor, and Author. Of everyone I've mentioned...I think Newt's the strongest. He knows the political spectrum better than anyone I've ever seen. He's got the experience...and the facts and charisma to go with them. In 95' he was Time Magazine's Person of the Year...leading the Republican Revolution that took back the House after 40 years of Democratic domination. Can Newt Gingrich bring hope to the Party of Lincoln? Rowe's Rating *****

But, it's early, more faces will appear on the scene as the months and years fly by...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Confirmation Battle Begins

The President's first nominee to the nation's highest court, Sonia Sotomayor, will begin the long, painstaking confirmation process Tuesday. The formal hearing is still a month or more away, but the ever important private meetings with top senators will take place in the days to come. Sotomayor will be asked about her views on gay rights, abortion, affirmative action, judicial temperament, constitutional interpretation, etc. She'll have to clarify an outrageous statement she made about a wise latino women possessing more judgement than that of a white male. Sotomayor will also have to answer for many of her rulings that, on paper, seem to discriminate against whites...the firemen case is an example of this notion. She's gone through a similar process twice before...approved as a federal trial judge in 92' and when she was elevated to NY's Second Circuit Court of Appeals, her current post, in 97'. The stakes, however, weren't as high as they are now. Her appointment will be for life and she will be ruling in Obama ideology long after he leaves the White House. Hopefully, Republicans will ignore the far left zealots and haters who paint any criticism against this woman as racial discrimination. This nomination is too important for the Grand Ole Party to run and hide!