Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where's W. Now?

Since George W. left Washington in January he's largely avoided much of the social spotlight in light of a quieter, more laid back retirement. Though the Bush bashing from the late night talk show hosts, the NY Times, and NBC News has not completely resided, they have switched much of their focus to the "awe-factor" of President Obama. The former President only serves as a blame child for any mistakes the great change agent makes. The reason I bring all of this up is due to an article published in Newsweek Magazine this past week. These are the same folks who published an article on "The Decline and Fall of Christian America." So even before I perused the info they managed to scrape up on him (Bush didn't voluntarily contriubute to their he shouldn't...Newsweek is an extremely left-wing operation out to get him), I knew what I was getting into. As we all know, Laura and George have settled in a suburb of Dallas in a neighboorhood that Newsweek magazine feels is full of Bush oilmen and executives alike. They insisted on pointing out that Bush's homestate of Texas was a wealthy benefactor for him during his rise from the governorship to the Presidency and now to mention his name, even within Republican circles, "is a little like Lord Voldemort's" (chief villan of the Harry Potter book and movie series). "It is a name that shall not be spoken," a reply Newsweek got out of a political consultant Bill Miller. They pointed out that Bush dropped by a local elementary school and he asked the children if they knew who he was. One child replied, "George Washington?" To which George W. replied...George Washington Bush (what a comeback!). Newsweek also made a point to mention that Democrats have made solid gains in the state once a Republican Machine...Obama secured 44% of the vote in Texas during the election and Kerry only picked up 38%. Newsweek forgets one of Texas' own ran in 2004...naturally the Republicans get a greater share of the vote. Texas has always had a strong Democratic hold as well...what about LBJ? They brought up the fact George W. is raising money for his new Presidential Library which will be built on the campus of Southern Methodist University, which according to Newsweek will, "wound the school's academic independence in the process." The whole article was a disgrace for the once famed Newsweek brand. I truly believe that Bush's image 20-25 years down the road will be greatly improved. Bush is slated to release his memoir currently titled "Decision Points" in 2012 which I believe will be a solid defense and insight into many of the reasons he chose to make some of the costly decisions he did while in office. We've heard enough testimony from the prosecution on the failures of the Bush Administration (NY Times, NBC News, etc.)...I'm ready for the defense!

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